The first chatbot assisted community for travellers

More info

Imagine your flight is delayed and you get stuck in an unknown airport...

We are sure you would appreciate someone giving you an insider tip. Like which coffee shop has the best espresso, or where you can buy some local gifts, or recharge your phone...

That's what Sam community aims to do: to provide a crowd-sourced tips database from other travelers and road warriors like you!

Share your expertise

Do you have the ultimate airport hack that makes that 6AM flight bearable? (maybe that espresso we mentioned earlier?) A shortcut that saves you 10 minutes after security? We want to hear about it!

Add tips easily

Select a segment - for instance, a flight - and tap the big "+" button in the bottom right corner. Select "Write new tip" and voilĂ . Alternatively, tap the pencil button available in the tips list.

Benefit from the crowd-sourced intelligence

Imagine how much nicer travel could be if thousands of travelers started helping each other!

Feature roadmap

In this first version of the feature, only airport tips are available, but we will be adding new categories soon!


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