See instructions

Select a feature or functionality to open the corresponding prototype. The interaction is limited to the feature being highlighted, so if you are not sure where to click next, look for the blue bounding boxes (they appear when you tap on a non clickable element)

Sam basics

If you are new to Sam, start here!

General overview

Profile & preferences

Log in process

Download process

iOS and Android

Sam has a lot to say!

Learn about the different types of notifications and how you can adjust them

Weather alerts

Flight status alerts

Adjusting notifications

Security alerts*

Traffic alerts

What can Sam do?

Sam can help you before, during or after the trip. Discover how.

Chat* and call consultant

Itinerary sync


Share my location

Sam for arrangers*

SSO to Seeqa*



Risk management capabilities

Conferma credit card


* Feature availability based on your location and company preferences.

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